Dewy (2021-2022 Treasurer, 2020-2021 Secretary)


I am a puzzler and problem solver at heart. Currently, I am a junior majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Applied Cybersecurity (ACES). As the current CSEC treasurer and former secretary, CSEC has been my home since my freshman year where I’ve had a blast serving as the bridge between the club officers, club members, as well as our club’s campus and corporate partners. Can’t wait to see you in our General Body Meetings (GBMs) this year!

When did you first get into cybersecurity?

What is your favorite annual CTF?

NCL / picoCTF

What is your favorite CTF category?

It’s a toss between OSINT & Crypto

Which OS do you use for all-things cybersecurity?

If it’s something that requires isolation for clean cyber hygiene, I’ll run a Kali image in a VM. Otherwise, it depends on the machine. On a Windows machine, I use Ubuntu + WSL since it’s easy to boot up. On a Mac, I’ll use native macOS.